Mother's Day is a week away and I'm rounding up gifts for mothers in your life. I own a few of these amazing items and some are on my wish list. As a mom to a toddler, personalized gifts are my favorite to receive as they hold a lot of sentimental and special meaning. One of my current favorites is the Mama Sw…

Hey guys! Holy moly! I cannot believe 5 weeks has gone by since the last bumpdate! Baby is getting bigger, stronger and I'm loving all of the baby kicks and hiccups! So how have the last couple of weeks been since the last bumpdate? Well I believe in the last bumpdate I mentioned that I had a 3rd ultr…

Hey guys! Welcome to my 20 week bumpdate! I cannot believe I'm halfway there to meeting our baby! It still feels like it was yesterday that I found out that I was pregnant(I know I say this in every pregnancy post, but it's true and it still blows my mind that I'm expecting a baby in July!) My 20 week of p…
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