25 Week Bumpdate!

Hello & Welcome!

Wow, I cannot believe I'm 26 weeks today! Weeks are passing by quickly and there's still lots to do! While I still have energy left, I'm trying my best to get baby's nursery set up every week so when I'm in the final stretch, I'm not trying to find the energy and rush to finish the nursery. I'm taking my time, one step at a time, making sure I don't push myself too much every single day as the last couple of weeks since the last bumpdate have been a little difficult for me. I don't like rushing things, I like taking my time thinking things through and then putting the thoughts into action. My plan with sharing the nursery with you guys is to reveal it after baby is born. (I'm just giving you a heads up that this blog post I'm currently writing as I hit 25 weeks. It's so much easier for me to jot things down so I don't forget and it's still fresh. By the time this post gets uploaded, I'll be 26 weeks but it's so much easier for me to do it this way to be more accurate of how I've been feeling and stay more organized, not letting these bumpdates slip away! Thank-you for understanding.)

So how have the last couple of weeks been since the last bumpdate?

Like I mentioned above, these past few weeks have been a little bit more difficult for me. I've been having a lot more lower back pain with lower stomach pains(these are known as round ligament pains from the baby growing and uterus muscles stretching) but these lower stomach pains have been much stronger. It's come to a point some days where I lay down and the pain is so intense that I cry through it. I've learned to deal through lower back pain because I've had it even before pregnancy but because of the pregnancy and more weight being put onto my body, the pain is more intense but it's bearable. I've began doing stretches and yoga multiple times a day to help relieve the pain (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't). I'm trying to stay positive, knowing that these kinds of pains need to happen as it means the baby is growing and things are progressing and we're much closer to meeting that bundle of joy. I've definitely been feeling more kicks every day and they're getting much stronger! I've been waiting for these days where I can see the kicks clearly to pin point where they're actually coming from. I've noticed baby kicks more when I'm on my left side and during the night time is when the kicking/moving parties begin! Haha! Definitely an active baby who will perhaps love sports. 

Are you going to share baby's gender or wait until after delivery?

I know I've mentioned this before, or at least I hope I did but we've already let our family and friends know but as for sharing with social media, we'll definitely share before the baby is born. My plan was to share it this past weekend but I wasn't feeling well so it wasn't a priority to me. I've gathered items to use in the gender reveal. Hopefully, if the opportunity comes around to snap some pictures, I'd love to share the baby's gender this week, March 22nd-27th. 

Have you purchased more items for baby since last bumpdate?

Actually, yes! It seems like every week/or every other week we're buying something for the baby and/or nursery! The latest items we've purchased for nursery are; 4moms mamaRoo Baby Rocker, Oxford Baby Dresser Sanibel Collection (the item in the link is the same item just in a different colour).  

How/has your fashion changed during pregnancy?
It's crazy to think that just over a month ago I was telling you guys that my fashion hasn't changed before and during pregnancy. I've always worn loose clothing but now that I'm further along and the bump is getting bigger, I've been gravitating towards more fitting clothing.