Hey guys and welcome to this special blog post! I can't believe that I'm typing that my husband and I are officially expecting baby Bjarnarson in June 2021! Like I stated in my Instagram post, this has been the sweetest but HARDEST secret to keep for months! I cannot believe that it's my turn to become a mom and love this baby unconditionally. We let our families know back when I was 7 weeks pregnant, before our first ultrasound but I was so dang excited, I couldn't wait for the ultrasound pictures to share our amazing news!...
Let's start from the beginning of how I found out. I was about 3 days late and thought nothing of it because for years I've been on different kinds of birth control which caused my monthly cycles to be irregular. There would be times where I would be almost 2 weeks late and then the cycle began. I decided to take the pregnancy test, expecting it to be negative because other times I've taken pregnancy tests, I've hoped it would be positive but when I saw the NOT PREGNANT I was disappointed. This time was different! I saw the 2 lines on the pregnancy test and thought to myself, "AM I READING THIS WRONG?!". Right now as you're reading this you are probably like, "Yes Tanya, two lines means your pregnant!" but when you're in that moment at that time, you feel light headed and confused by what you're seeing from all the blood rushing to your head from all the happiness. I took another pregnancy test right after, still two lines appeared. Luckily while at the store, I also managed to grab a pregnancy test from Clearblue which actually says PREGNANT or NOT PREGNANT. I took that test and guess what the result was? PREGNANT! I couldn't believe my eyes! My heart was pounding and I felt my body fill with excitement like it was Christmas morning! That night I told my husband that I'm pregnant with a basket that I made which had 2 books I Love You Mommy / I Love You Daddy , Hello World Onesie , our wedding photo from Mexico and an autumn floral decoration.
We've been trying to have a baby since last March and now we're finally blessed with this pregnancy and waiting the arrival of the baby.
I found out I was pregnant at 5 weeks and 4 days and my due date is June 30th, 2021 which happens to be our wedding anniversary date! Let's see if the baby comes early, late or right on time. Who knows, it might be a Canada Day baby!

Thanks for stopping by Let's Get Ready Blog for this special post and I cannot wait to take you guys along on this amazing chapter in our life!