Bye Bye First Trimester, Welcome Second Trimester

Hello Second Trimester, Goodbye First Trimester!

I cannot believe how fast the time has been flying by! Not too long ago I was going through first trimester symptoms like morning sickness, variety of food cravings, cramps...etc. Every now and then I still get morning sickness but it's not as bad as it was before. Gravol really helped me out, it's filled with natural ginger and it's safe for baby and pregnancy (it's my doctor approved). At this point in my pregnancy I can get through the nausea with food and snacks. 

To review my first trimester quickly, I suffered severe morning sickness where the only thing that helped was Ginger Ale and Gravol with Natural Ginger. Cramping was another thing. Always felt like my monthly cycle was about to start which somehow fueled my denial that I was pregnant. I feel like until you start showing, you're going to be in denial for a while. I still am! 

Around 6 weeks I went to my doctor to confirm my pregnancy, around week 8 we got to see our growing baby in the ultrasound! That felt so surreal! I couldn't believe that that little miracle was growing inside of me and I'll become it's mother in the near future. Emotions have definitely been high, anything makes me emotional, whether it's happy or sad.  I'm currently listening to music and guess what, I'm teary eyed! I also had to get a Prenatal Blood work done to check for certain diseases, genetic markers..etc.

Even though I was in my first trimester, I was already purchasing books, clothes and decided on a nursery theme. Once the nursery theme was decided, my husband and I have been purchasing items for the nursery like decor + furniture. I've mentioned this before but if you're new to my blog or any social media accounts, I have a beauty room where I film Makeup Tutorials and Get Ready With Me's for Instagram. In our house which we recently purchased back in March of this year, we have 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. 1 Master Bedroom, 1 Guest Room and an empty room which I decided to turn into an Office/Beauty Room. Now, with a baby on the way, my priority is to have a Nursery instead of a Beauty Room. 

Today I officially entered Second Trimester! At some moments it feels like time is moving so slow and I cannot wait to see the bump, feel the baby kicks, see the baby move and meet the baby. At other moments, it feels like the weeks are passing by so fast! I'm excited to what this next trimester will bring. During this trimester, we get to find out the gender of the baby and believe me, we will be finding out and sharing with family, friends and you guys of course!